Does anyone know how to find multiples of 7 from 250 to 500?

Sure. Pick an easy multiple of 7:

7*40 = 280

Now, going down and up as far as you need, count by 7's:


Do you mean how many multiples?

Then that's easy. The first multiple of 7 after 250 is 252, or 7*36. The last one is 497, or 7*71. You subtract 71 and 36 to get 35.
If you mean finding all the multiples, then it will take a bit of time. You may have to consult Google or use a calculator. You have to add 7 to 252 to get 259, a multiple of 7, and keep on adding 7 until 497.

Thanks Sheenybeany. It was:

71 - 35= 36.

To find the multiples of 7 from 250 to 500, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the starting point: In this case, the starting point is 250.
2. Determine the ending point: In this case, the ending point is 500.
3. Divide the starting point by 7: Divide 250 by 7 to find out if it is divisible evenly without any remainder.
250 ÷ 7 = 35 with a remainder of 5.
Since there is a remainder, 250 is not a multiple of 7. Therefore, it will not be included in the range.
4. Divide the ending point by 7: Divide 500 by 7 to check if it is divisible evenly without any remainder.
500 ÷ 7 = 71 with a remainder of 3.
Since there is a remainder, 500 is not a multiple of 7. Therefore, it will not be included in the range.
5. Find the next multiple of 7 after the starting point: Add 7 to the starting point until you find a number that is divisible evenly by 7.
Starting from 250, add 7 successively: 257, 264, 271, ...
The first multiple of 7 in the range is 252.
6. List the multiples of 7 between the starting point and the ending point: Keep adding 7 until you reach a number greater than the ending point.
Continuing from 252, add 7 successively: 259, 266, 273, ...
Continue this process until you reach a number greater than 500.
7. The multiples of 7 in the range from 250 to 500 are: 252, 259, 266, 273, ..., 497.

Therefore, the multiples of 7 between 250 and 500 are 252, 259, 266, 273, ..., 497.