tHE HOURLY RATE OF A waiter is $4 plus tips.On a particular day,the waiter worked 8 hours and received more than $150 in pay.What would be the amount of tips the waiter received

8 hours means $32

The rest must be in tips, or at least $118

To calculate the amount of tips the waiter received, we need to subtract the base pay from the total pay the waiter received.

Step 1: Calculate the base pay:
The hourly rate of the waiter is $4, and the waiter worked for 8 hours.
Base pay = Hourly rate * Hours worked
Base pay = $4 * 8
Base pay = $32

Step 2: Calculate the amount of tips:
Total pay = Base pay + Tips
More than $150 = $32 + Tips
Tips = More than $150 - $32
Tips = More than $118

Therefore, the waiter received more than $118 in tips.