At the beginning of the summer molly decided to add a little money into her sayings account every week. After seven weeks her account had $175. At the end of 15 weeks her account had $375. Assume that she put the same amount of money into her account every week and will continue to do so.

Sounds like a good plan.

Was there a question in there somewhere?

I was trying to find the expression for the problem

I have to find the equation of the line, but I need the expression to solve it.

looking at the data, it appears she saved #25 each week. So, after x weeks, her saving y would be

y = 25x

You can work into that by noting that if

y = mx+b

when x=7,
175 = 7m+b

when x=15,
375 = 15m+b

so, 8m = 200
m = 25

Now you have

y = 25x+b
plugging either point shows that b=0, so

y = 25x

How much was in her account four weeks after she began saving?

Oops wrong question

I meant to ask
When she started saving money, 203 shopping days were left until Christmas. How much money was in her account at Christmas?

well, you have the equation. How many weeks from the time she started saving, until Christmas? $25/week, babe.

I assume you know how many days per week . . .

Thank you I got helpful

I have that same question but every time I try to put the expression it says it's wrong can you please tell me the expression you used??

To find out how much money Molly adds to her savings account each week, we can use algebraic reasoning. Let's assume that the amount she adds each week is represented by the variable "x".

Based on the given information, Molly's account increased by $175 over a period of 7 weeks. This means that the total amount of money she added to her account in those 7 weeks is 7 times the amount she adds each week, which can be expressed as 7x.

Using the same logic, we can deduce that her account increased by $375 over a period of 15 weeks, so the total amount she added in those 15 weeks is 15x.

We can now set up and solve an equation to find the value of "x". The equation is:
7x = 175

Dividing both sides of the equation by 7 gives:
x = 25

So, Molly adds $25 to her savings account every week.

To verify this, we can substitute the value of "x" into the other equation:
15x = 375
15(25) = 375
375 = 375

The equation holds true, validating our solution.