Do Hindus believe it is the god Vishnu who grants spiritual enlightenment whispering at the moment of death the truth the soul needs to achieve enlightenment and set it free?

thank you

To answer this question, we can look into the beliefs and philosophy of Hinduism. Hinduism is a complex and diverse religion with various beliefs and practices. While there is no single dogma or central authority, there are generally accepted ideas within the religion.

Hinduism recognizes that there are multiple paths to spiritual liberation, known as "moksha." One of the paths is devotion, or "bhakti," which involves developing a deep love and connection with a chosen deity. Vishnu is one of the central deities worshipped in Hinduism, and many Hindus believe that by being devoted to Vishnu, one can attain spiritual enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Regarding the specific belief you mentioned, it is important to note that Hindu beliefs can vary from person to person and across different sects and traditions. While some Hindus may believe that Vishnu grants spiritual enlightenment by whispering the truth at the moment of death, it is not a universal belief within Hinduism. Other Hindus might have different interpretations depending on their philosophical and theological perspectives.

It is worth mentioning that Hindu scriptures, such as the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads, explore various concepts related to spiritual enlightenment, liberation, and the ultimate reality, known as "Brahman." These texts can provide deeper insights into the beliefs and practices associated with attaining moksha.

To get a more comprehensive understanding of how Hindus perceive the role of Vishnu in granting spiritual enlightenment, it would be advisable to consult Hindu religious texts, teachings of spiritual leaders, or engage in conversations with practicing Hindus who can provide personal insights.