Nia found the following prices for shorts:$25 $28 $19 $20 $18 $19 $32 $29.find th mean,median,and mode for the prices

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What do u do if u have two medians

Take the average (mean) of the two. The median is the number half way between the two medians.



You have a typo for the median. The other two answers are right.

oops i meant $22.5

:-) Yes!

ok thank you i have obe more question i already put it up there

You're welcome.

To find the mean, median, and mode for the given prices, follow these steps:

1. Mean:
- Add up all the prices: $25 + $28 + $19 + $20 + $18 + $19 + $32 + $29 = $190.
- Divide the sum by the number of prices (8 in this case): $190 / 8 = $23.75.
- So, the mean (average) price is $23.75.

2. Median:
- First, arrange the prices in ascending order: $18, $19, $19, $20, $25, $28, $29, $32.
- Since there are 8 prices, the middle two values need to be averaged to find the median.
- The middle values are $20 and $25, so their average is: ($20 + $25) / 2 = $22.50.
- Therefore, the median price is $22.50.

3. Mode:
- The mode represents the value(s) that occur most frequently.
- Here, we observe that the price $19 appears twice, which is more than any other price.
- Thus, the mode for the prices is $19.

So, the mean price is $23.75, the median price is $22.50, and the mode is $19.