The doctor who was late for an appointment drooped x-ray into puddle hurrying to the hospital.

a into the puddle
b hurrying to the hospital
c Who was late
d for an appointment

I think D

What are you supposed to identify?

misplace in the sentences


Was the puddle hurrying to the hospital?

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the sentence and its components:

"The doctor who was late for an appointment drooped x-ray into puddle hurrying to the hospital."

- Subject: The doctor
- Verb: drooped
- Object: x-ray
- Prepositional phrase: into the puddle
- Participial phrase: hurrying to the hospital

Now, let's analyze the options provided:

a) "into the puddle": This prepositional phrase explains where the x-ray was drooped, but it doesn't address the timing or reason for the doctor's actions.

b) "hurrying to the hospital": This participial phrase describes the doctor's action of rushing to the hospital, but it doesn't provide information about the appointment or lateness.

c) "Who was late": This relative clause explains that the doctor was late but does not clarify what the doctor did or where they were going.

d) "for an appointment": This prepositional phrase explains why the doctor was late, giving a specific reason for their actions.

Considering the options, option d) "for an appointment" is the correct answer to the question of why the doctor was late.