authoritative teachers tend to do all of the following except

a.explain why some behaviors are appropriate and acceptable and others aren't
b.encourage and reword certain behaviors.
c. focus most of their comments to children on what they've done wrong.
d. inform children of expectations.

my answer is a.

or c.

Knowing nothing about the subject, I would go with a.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down each option and identify which one does not align with the behavior of authoritative teachers:

a. Explain why some behaviors are appropriate and acceptable and others aren't: Authoritative teachers typically explain the reasoning behind certain behaviors, helping children understand the distinction between appropriate and inappropriate actions. This aligns with the approach of authoritative teaching.

b. Encourage and reward certain behaviors: Authoritative teachers often employ positive reinforcement strategies, such as encouraging and rewarding desired behaviors, as a means of promoting student engagement and motivation.

c. Focus most of their comments to children on what they've done wrong: This option stands out as a potential exception. Authoritative teachers aim to provide constructive feedback, not solely focusing on what students have done wrong, but also highlighting areas for improvement and acknowledging their achievements.

d. Inform children of expectations: Authoritative teachers typically establish clear expectations for behavior and academic performance, ensuring that students understand what is required of them.

So, based on this analysis, the correct answer is c. Focus most of their comments to children on what they've done wrong, as authoritative teachers strive to strike a balance between providing constructive feedback and recognizing students' accomplishments.

The correct answer is c.

Authoritative teachers do not focus most of their comments to children on what they've done wrong. Instead, they provide balanced feedback that includes both praise for appropriate behaviors and guidance for improving inappropriate behaviors. They explain why some behaviors are appropriate and acceptable and others are not, they encourage and reward certain behaviors, and they inform children of expectations.