Why are the fossils kept in a glass box in the museum?

Fossils are very valuable and sometimes fragile or brittle as such they need to be carefully preserved and they are also protected from any damaging environmental influences and they are kept in the glass box couse of it is where they can be viewed without being touched

So no one can take it/Security.

They're pretty rare.
Is this supposed to be written in a paragraph though?

So that they are being protected from damages because they are fragile..

And that no one can take them because they are rare

no its a sentence

tp be protected frpm any damged environmental influences

Thanks for helping me

Fossils are kept in a glass box in museums for several reasons. Here's why:

1. Protection: Glass boxes provide a protective barrier around the fossils, shielding them from potential damage caused by dust, humidity, temperature changes, and even human contact. This ensures that the fossils remain intact and preserved for future generations to study and appreciate.

2. Visibility: Glass allows visitors to see the fossils clearly without directly touching them. This way, people can observe the intricate details of the fossils, such as their structure, texture, and often even the bones or imprints they contain. The transparent display also facilitates educational purposes and enhances the overall museum experience.

3. Security: Placing fossils inside glass boxes provides a certain level of security. It helps prevent theft or accidental damage, as the glass acts as a physical barrier. Additionally, museum staff can monitor and control the access to the fossils, ensuring their preservation.

4. Contextualization: By placing fossils in glass boxes, museums can present them within a curated display, often including informational panels or labels that provide important contextual information. This helps visitors understand the significance, age, and scientific importance of the fossils, enhancing their educational value.

Next time you visit a museum, you can appreciate the efforts taken to protect and display fossils by observing them through the glass boxes.