After Michael 110 baseball cards to Sally and 75 to Heidi, he still has 315 left. What percent of his cards did Michael give away?

110 + 75... and then??

total cards = 110 + 75 + 315

gave away = 110 + 75

percent given = 100 (110+75)/(110+75+315)

185 + 315 = 500

185 / 500 = 0.37 = 37%

Thanks alot.

To find the percentage of cards Michael gave away, we need to calculate the total number of cards he initially had and then subtract the number of cards he has left after giving some away.

To determine the initial number of cards Michael had, we can use the formula:

Initial cards = cards given away + cards remaining.

Given that Michael gave away 110 cards to Sally and 75 cards to Heidi, and he still has 315 cards left, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Initial cards = 110 + 75 + 315 = 500.

So, Michael initially had 500 baseball cards.

Now, to find the percentage of cards Michael gave away, we can use the following formula:

Percentage = (Cards given away / Initial cards) x 100.

Substituting the values:

Percentage = (110 + 75) / 500 x 100.


Percentage = 185 / 500 x 100.

Finally, we can calculate the percentage:

Percentage = 37%.

Therefore, Michael gave away 37% of his baseball cards.