Respond to the following question about the poem "The Alarm Clock" by Mari Evans

We generally think that poetry uses more pattern in language than does prose. Pattern is achieved by the organized use of repetitions. It may be repeated beats (rhythm); repeated word sounds (rhyme); or repeated phrases. Contemporary poetry tends to discard the older kinds of repetition, but it still uses a pattern that holds it together and makes it different from prose. Its repetitions are more like the irregular pounding of waves on the shore than the steady beat of a machine. What repeated elements do you detect in "The Alarm Clock"?

I didn't find this poem online, so won't be able to help you.

To identify the repeated elements in the poem "The Alarm Clock" by Mari Evans, you can perform a close reading of the poem and analyze its structure and language. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this task:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem carefully to gain a general understanding of its content and themes. Pay attention to any specific words, phrases, or images that stand out to you.

2. Identify patterns: Look for recurring words, phrases, sounds, or imagery in the poem. These repetitions can help create a sense of rhythm and cohesion in the text.

3. Analyze the structure: Consider the poem's overall structure and form. Does it utilize a specific rhyme scheme, meter, or stanzaic pattern? Do certain lines or phrases appear multiple times throughout the poem, creating a sense of unity or emphasis?

4. Examine linguistic devices: Look for linguistic devices that contribute to the poem's repetition. This can include alliteration, assonance, consonance, or other forms of wordplay that create a musical or rhythmic effect.

5. Consider thematic repetitions: Sometimes, poems may employ thematic repetitions, where certain ideas or motifs recur to reinforce the central message or theme. Look for any recurring themes, symbols, or metaphors that are woven throughout the poem.

By following these steps, you can uncover the repeated elements in "The Alarm Clock" and gain a deeper understanding of how they contribute to the poem's structure and meaning. Remember, poetry analysis is subjective, so be open to different interpretations as you engage with the text.