Frances can type 100 pages in h hours. At this rate, how many pages can she type in m minutes?

A. mh/60
B. 60m/h
C. 100m/60m
D. 60h/100m
E. 100h/60m

(100 pages / h hours) (1 hour/60 min)

= (100/60 h) pages/min

* m minutes

= (100 m /60 h)

Probably C but if so you have a typo

To solve this problem, we need to establish a ratio between the number of pages typed and the time taken. Let's start by finding the ratio of pages typed per hour:

Frances types 100 pages in h hours, so the ratio is 100 pages / h hours.

Next, we need to convert the time from hours to minutes since the question is asking for the number of pages typed in m minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in 1 hour, we multiply the ratio by 60 to convert it to pages per minute:

100 pages / h hours * 60 minutes / 1 hour = 6000 pages / h minutes.

Therefore, the answer is 6000 pages / h minutes.

However, the question is asking for the number of pages Frances can type in m minutes, not h minutes. To convert from h minutes to m minutes, we divide 6000 pages / h minutes by 60:

(6000 pages / h minutes) / 60 = 100 pages / m minutes.

So, the answer is 100 pages / m minutes.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. mh/60.