In order to subject their cash registers to random audit, suppose we want to select a random sample of three people from this group of cashiers.

Bonita, Chandra, Earl, Glenda, Homer, Jamal, Kendra, Maria, Oscar, Reshonda.

How do I use a random number table?

Since there are 10 choices, I'd just use the nth digit of 3 numbers chosen from the random number table. which n depends on how many digits in each entry; just make sure all use the same n.

Or maybe add up the digits and take the last digit of the sum.

To use a random number table, you can follow these steps to select a random sample of three people from the group of cashiers:

1. Assign a unique number to each person from the group of cashiers. In your case, you have ten cashiers, so you can assign numbers from 1 to 10 to each cashier.

2. Obtain a random number table. You can find random number tables online or in statistical textbooks. These tables consist of rows and columns of random digits.

3. Start at any random point within the random number table. For example, you can decide to start at row 5, column 3.

4. Read the digits in the table one by one, moving in a sequenced manner. For example, if you start at row 5, column 3, you would read the digits in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom fashion.

5. Ignore any digits that are outside the range of your assigned numbers. In your case, ignore any digits that are greater than 10 or less than 1.

6. Whenever you come across a valid digit within your range, assign it to the corresponding person. For instance, if you read a 7 and it falls within your range of 1 to 10, assign it to the seventh person on your list (Jamal).

7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 until you have assigned three unique random numbers from the table to three different people.

By following these steps, you will have selected a random sample of three people from the group of cashiers using a random number table.