A displacement-time graph represents the change in position of an object over a specific period of time. It shows how the position or location of the object varies with respect to time.

To create a displacement-time graph, you need to gather data on the object's position at different points in time. Here are the steps to create a displacement-time graph:

1. Collect data points: Measure the position or displacement of the object at various points in time. For example, you might measure the distance traveled by a car every minute during a trip.

2. Plot the data points: On a graph, mark the time along the horizontal x-axis and the corresponding displacement or position along the vertical y-axis. Each data point represents a specific time and the corresponding displacement value.

3. Connect the dots: Draw a line connecting all the data points. This line represents the object's displacement as it changes over time. If the object is moving at a constant rate, the line will be a straight line. If the object is accelerating or decelerating, the line will be curved.

Interpreting the graph:
- Slope: The slope of the displacement-time graph represents velocity. A steeper slope indicates a faster rate of change in position, while a flatter slope indicates a slower rate of change.
- Positive or negative displacement: If the line is above the x-axis, the displacement is positive, indicating movement in one direction. If the line is below the x-axis, the displacement is negative, indicating movement in the opposite direction.

In summary, a displacement-time graph visualizes the change in an object's position over time, helping us understand its motion and velocity.