Which of the following is not an example of a mineral crystal shape?

A. Pyrite
B. Kryptonite
C. Quartz
D. Calcite

i think its A am i right

No, the answer is B

Climatology is a subspecialty of

A. Oceanography
B.marine biology
C.enviromental science

Yes, you are correct! Pyrite is not an example of a mineral crystal shape. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what mineral crystal shapes are. Mineral crystal shapes refer to the geometric arrangements of atoms or molecules that make up a mineral. These arrangements give minerals their distinct shapes, which can be observed when they form crystals.

Pyrite, also known as "fool's gold," does form crystals, but its crystal shape is not unique or specific to pyrite. It generally forms cubic or pyritohedral crystals, which are common among various minerals. On the other hand, kryptonite (a fictional material from Superman comics) is not a real mineral and does not have a known crystal shape in scientific literature.

Quartz and calcite, however, are examples of minerals that have specific and distinct crystal shapes. Quartz commonly forms hexagonal prismatic crystals, while calcite typically forms rhombohedral crystals. Thus, the correct answer is A. Pyrite.