Evaluate giving exact values and identities. Calculator based solutions are not acceptable. Thanks for any help

sin (-pi/12)

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well pi is 180 degrees

180/12 = 15
so we really want sin(-15 degrees)
But I know that sin 30 = 1/2
and that cos 30 = (1/2) sqrt 3
and I know how to find the sine of half an angle if I have the cosine of the whole angle

sin(-15)º = sin(30-45)º

can you take it from there?

To evaluate sin(-π/12), we need to use the unit circle and the trigonometric identity.

1. Draw a unit circle with the positive x-axis as the reference line.

2. Find the angle corresponding to -π/12. Since -π/12 is negative, we go clockwise from the positive x-axis.

-π/12 lies between -π/6 (-30 degrees) and -π/4 (-45 degrees).

3. Determine the reference angle, which is the positive acute angle between the terminal side of the angle and the x-axis. In this case, the reference angle is π/12 (15 degrees).

4. Use the reference angle to find the value of sine. Since sine is positive in the second and third quadrants, we need to determine the value of sin(π/12).

sin(π/12) can be rewritten as sin(15 degrees).

5. Find the exact value of sin(15 degrees) by using the special right triangle or trigonometric identity.

One way to find the exact value is using the half-angle identity for sine, which states that sin(θ/2) = ±√[(1 - cos(θ)) / 2].
In this case, we have sin(15 degrees) = sin(30/2) = sin(30/2) = ±√[(1 - cos(30)) / 2].

The exact value of cos(30) can be found by using the special right triangle with sides 1, 2, and √3. Since cos(30) = √3/2, we can substitute this value in the equation above.

sin(15 degrees) = ±√[(1 - √3/2) / 2].

6. Simplify the expression.

To simplify, rationalize the denominator by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by √2.

sin(15 degrees) = ±√[(2 - √3) / 4].

So, the exact value of sin(-π/12) is ±√[(2 - √3) / 4].