What are the steps for dilating a triangle by a scale factor of 2 about the origin?

To dilate a triangle by a scale factor of 2 about the origin, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the scale factor: In this case, the scale factor is 2, which means each side of the triangle will be doubled in length.

2. Identify the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle: Let's assume the vertices of the triangle are A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2), and C(x3, y3). These coordinates represent the original triangle.

3. Calculate the new coordinates: To dilate each vertex by a scale factor of 2, multiply the coordinates of each vertex by 2. The formula for dilation about the origin is (2x, 2y). So, the new coordinates will be A'(2x1, 2y1), B'(2x2, 2y2), and C'(2x3, 2y3).

4. Plot the new triangle: Use the new coordinates obtained in the previous step to plot the vertices of the dilated triangle. Connect the vertices to form the dilated triangle.

By following these steps, you can successfully dilate a triangle by a scale factor of 2 about the origin.