Can you suggest a file/folder organization that stores information about sales--as well as assists with a business?

Of course! When it comes to organizing files and folders for sales information, it's essential to create a system that is both efficient and easy to navigate. Here's a suggested file/folder organization structure:

1. Main Sales Folder:
- This folder will serve as the primary location for storing all sales-related information.

2. Customers Folder:
- Create subfolders for each customer or company you do business with.
- Use meaningful names or IDs to identify each customer folder.
- Store important customer-related information, such as contact details, contracts, and purchase history, within the respective customer's folder.

3. Sales Reports Folder:
- Store different types of sales reports in this folder.
- For example, you could create subfolders for daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly reports, depending on your reporting frequency.
- Organize reports by naming conventions such as "YYYY-MM-DD_ReportName" for easy sorting and identification.

4. Product Catalog Folder:
- Create a folder to store information related to your products/services.
- You can further categorize it based on product categories or types.
- Include product details, descriptions, pricing, and any other relevant information within the respective folders.

5. Marketing Materials Folder:
- Keep a folder for storing marketing materials like brochures, promotional images, videos, or presentation templates.
- Create subfolders based on the type of material or marketing campaign.

6. Contracts and Legal Documents:
- Dedicate a folder for contracts, agreements, and any other legal documents.
- Arrange them chronologically or categorize them based on their purpose or type.

7. Meetings and Presentations Folder:
- Create a folder to keep records of sales meetings, presentations, or training materials.
- Organize them by date, topic, or client.

Remember, the key to an effective file/folder organization system is consistency and simplicity. Choose a structure that aligns with your business needs and adapt it as your company grows. Additionally, regularly maintain and update your files to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.