of the 5352, requests for medical records in the question above, 4257 were located within the 20 minute time frame established by the supervisor as a quality improvement indicator. what is the rate of compliance in anawering requests for records? round to 2 decimal points.

To determine the compliance rate in answering requests for records, you need to divide the number of requests located within the time frame by the total number of requests and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

Here's how to calculate it step by step:

1. Identify the number of requests located within the time frame: 4257.

2. Calculate the compliance rate by dividing the number of requests located within the time frame by the total number of requests:

Compliance Rate = (Requests located within the time frame / Total number of requests) * 100

Compliance Rate = (4257 / 5352) * 100

3. Perform the calculation:

Compliance Rate ≈ (0.795 * 100) ≈ 79.50

The compliance rate in answering requests for records is approximately 79.50%. Rounding to 2 decimal points, it can be represented as 79.50%.