Many cultures have stories about trickster animals that fool human beings. These are usually hilarious.

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Yes, many cultures around the world have stories about trickster animals. These stories often revolve around a mischievous or cunning animal character that outsmarts or plays pranks on human beings. Trickster tales are a common genre of folklore and are known for their humorous and entertaining nature.

If you are interested in exploring these stories, here are a few steps you can take to find some hilarious trickster animal tales:

1. Research Folklore: Look for books or online resources that specialize in folklore from different cultures. These compilations often include a variety of stories, including trickster tales.

2. Search for Trickster Animal Characters: Once you have identified a folklore resource, search within it for specific animal characters that are known for their cunning and trickery. Some popular trickster animal characters include Anansi the Spider from West African folklore, Brer Rabbit from African American folklore, or Reynard the Fox from European folklore.

3. Explore Specific Cultural Folktales: If you are interested in a particular culture's trickster tales, focus your research on that culture's folklore specifically. Different cultures have their own unique trickster animals and stories associated with them. For example, Native American folklore features coyotes and ravens as trickster animals.

4. Visit Libraries or Bookstores: Head to your local library or bookstore and browse through the mythology and folklore sections. Look for books that focus on trickster tales or folklore from specific cultures.

5. Online Resources: There are numerous websites dedicated to mythology and folklore where you can find collections of trickster animal tales. Websites like,, or even digital library platforms like Project Gutenberg offer free access to folklore texts.

By following these steps, you should be able to find a plethora of hilarious trickster animal tales from various cultures to delve into and enjoy!