In Uncle Tom's Cabin, (the book) did blacks have a racial caste system? Please explain

Can you please tell me what chapters you found that information from so I can state it?

If you goto chapter 20 you can see how the lighter skinned Rosa and Jane treat Topsy and talk about darker slaves in general.

Have you read the book? What do you think?

Yes but I cant put it into words.

Weren't the house slaves considered above the field slaves? Weren't slaves of lighter color with some white ancestry considered above those with only African ancestry?

I'm sorry -- but it's been over 60 years since I read that book -- and I do not have a copy of it.

To determine whether blacks had a racial caste system in Uncle Tom's Cabin, we need to analyze the book's content. Here's how you can find the answer yourself:

1. Read Uncle Tom's Cabin: Start by reading the book itself. Take note of the portrayal of black characters and their experiences throughout the story.

2. Analyze character interactions: Pay attention to how black characters in the book interact with others, both white and black. Observe whether there are instances of discrimination, prejudice, or social hierarchy based on race.

3. Consider historical context: Understanding the historical context in which the book was written is crucial. At the time of the book's publication in 1852, racial caste systems were prevalent in many parts of the United States, particularly in the Southern states, where slavery was legal.

4. Examine social dynamics: Look for any instances in the book that suggest the existence of a racial caste system. This can include references to social hierarchies, limitations on opportunities or freedoms, and disparities in how blacks are treated compared to white characters.

5. Consult literary analysis: If you still have doubts or want a more in-depth analysis, you can consult literary criticism or scholarly articles that discuss the themes of race and social hierarchy in Uncle Tom's Cabin. These sources often provide interpretations and insights from various perspectives.

By following these steps, you can reach a more informed conclusion regarding the presence or absence of a racial caste system for blacks in Uncle Tom's Cabin.