21 foot long and 12 feet wide 8foot high how many pieces of plywood will it t a ke to cover

Is each piece of plywood 8 feet by 4 feet?

Is it to be covered on all six sides?

To calculate the number of plywood sheets required to cover the given area, we need to determine the area of the space that needs to be covered with plywood.

The space that needs to be covered is a rectangular prism with dimensions:
Length = 21 feet
Width = 12 feet
Height = 8 feet

To find the total surface area, we calculate the sum of the areas of all six faces:

1. The top and bottom faces have the same dimensions and area:
Area of top/bottom face = Length × Width

2. The front and back faces also have the same dimensions and area:
Area of front/back face = Length × Height

3. The two side faces also have the same dimensions and area:
Area of side face = Width × Height

To find the total surface area, calculate:
Total surface area = 2 × (Area of top/bottom face) + 2 × (Area of front/back face) + 2 × (Area of side face)

Once we know the total surface area, we can determine how many plywood sheets will be required. Considering that a standard plywood sheet typically measures 4 feet by 8 feet, we can calculate:

Number of plywood sheets required = Total surface area ÷ (Area of a plywood sheet)

Now let's calculate the values:

1. Area of top/bottom face = 21 feet × 12 feet
2. Area of front/back face = 21 feet × 8 feet
3. Area of side face = 12 feet × 8 feet

Total surface area = 2 × (21 feet × 12 feet) + 2 × (21 feet × 8 feet) + 2 × (12 feet × 8 feet)

Next, take the total surface area and divide it by the area of a standard plywood sheet, which is 4 feet by 8 feet.

Number of plywood sheets required = Total surface area ÷ (4 feet × 8 feet)

Please provide the units for the values given, as it will help in calculating the final result.