The instructions are to choose the best answer for the statements. I'd like to know if I answered correctly or if I should change my answer.

1. Esta mochila es demasiado pesada. ¿Está muy lejos el ________?
A. fósforo
B. palito
C. valle
D. campamento
I said D
2. ¿Cómo sabes qué animales salvajes viven por aquí?
Hay que estudiar todas las _______.
A. huellas
B. ardillas
C. velas
D. piedras
I said A
3. Papá, Arturo y yo vamos al bosque para buscar plantas silvestres.
Bueno, pero ya son las seis de la tarde. No quiero que Uds. _______ muy lejos.
A. van
B. fueron
C. vayan
D. iban
D. fuiste
I said D
4. Rosa, lleva este suéter. No quiero que _____ frío.
A. tengas
B. tienes
C. tenías
D. tuviste
I said D
5. ¿Qué olla debo usar para cocinar los frijoles?
Es major que _______ ésta.
A. usaste
B. usas
C. usabas
D. uses
I said B

I'll send this to Sra.

#3. Here is another example of "Imposition of Will" which is one of the main reasons to have the Subjunctive. Have you had a good review of WHY the Subjunctive exists? It is rapidly dying out in English but still alive and well in Spanish and French.


When the main verb can be classified as:
1. (imposition of will) a wish, real or implied, such as advice, command, desire, hope, permission, preference, request
2. an emotion, such as fear, joy, sorrow, regret, surprise
3. doubt, denial, disbelief

Because of the uncertainty indicated, the verbs DUDAR and CREER, when used INTERROGATIVELY or NEGATIVELY are usually followed by the Subjunctive.

4. with impersonal expressions, unless they indicate certainty - like it is doubtful, important, a pity, impossible, better

Note: In all the previous examples, the verb in the main clause and the verb in the dependent clause have DIFFERENT subjects. If, in English, the subjects are the same, que is omitted and an infinitive is used. Otherwise, the Subjunctive is ALWAYS introduced by "que" with the exception of Ojalá. (Ojalá + Subjunctive OR Ojalá + que + Subjunctive = you have a choice~)

Sequence of Tense = if the main verb is Present, Future, the Subjunctive is in the Present. If the main verb is Past Tense (Preterit, Imperfect, Conditional), the Subjunctive is in the Past.


Here is the more difficult use of the Subjunctive:
5. The Subjunctive is used in adverbial clauses if uncertainty, doubt, anticipation or indefiniteness is expressed. These adverb clauses are usually introduced by conjunctions, such as: a fin de que, para que, a menos que, antes (de) que, con tal (de) que, en case de que, sin que. I called them SCAMP words to remember: sin que, con tal de que, antes (de) que, a menos que & para que.

6. These conjunctions can use either the Indicative (certainty) or Subjunctive (uncertainty, doubt, anticipation, indefiniteness. They are: aunque, cuando, de manera que, de modo que, despues (de) que, en cuanto, luego que, tan pronto como, así que, hasta que, mientras.



8. indefinite or negative antecedent uses the Subjunctive in the adjective clause. Example: She has a husband who is tall and slender (Indicative) versus She wants a husband who is tall and slender (Subjunctive)


9. "if clause" plus "result clause"
The Imperfect/Past Subjunctive and the Pluperfect Subjunctive are used in "Contrary to Fact" conditions
Examples: If I studied more, I would get good grades. (si + Past Subjunctive, either -ra or -se form, Conditional or Imperfect Subjunctive, -ra form only)

If I has studied more, I would have gotten good grades. (si + Pluperfect Subjunctive, Conditional Perfect (or Pluperfect Subjunctive -ra form only)

*The Imperfect & Pluperfect Subjunctive are always used after "como si" meaning "as if."

*The -ra form with querer, poder & deber to express a polite request or statement.
Quisiera = I would like + infinitive
Pudiera Ud. + infinitive = would you be able...
Debiéramos + infinitive = we should/ought to...

NOTE: You may not be ready for all this, so tuck it away somewhere until you are ready!

#4. Again, Imposition of Will (or reason #1 for using the Subjunctive) = A. tengas

5. I doubt it is "major" but MEJOR which also uses the Subjunctive! = D. uses

I'll flag this because you have a lot to "absorb" and may have additional questions.

Now, aren't you glad you asked?!!


If you need the list of verbs for #1, etc., just ask.


Sra McGin thank you!!! I always struggle with what's the right adjective and verbs to use. This really helped a lot and explained everything perfectly.

I'm glad!

I also have lists of verbs imposition of will, emotion, doubt, etc. and any examples you might want.


Yes that would be very helpful :)

To determine if your answers are correct or if you need to change them, we can go through each question and evaluate the options:

1. "Esta mochila es demasiado pesada. ¿Está muy lejos el ________?"
The correct answer is D. campamento. By reading the sentence, it implies that the person is referring to a camp or camping site. Therefore, your answer of D is correct.

2. "¿Cómo sabes qué animales salvajes viven por aquí? Hay que estudiar todas las _______."
The correct answer is A. huellas. The sentence suggests that the person wants to know how to identify wild animals around the area. The word "huellas" means "tracks" or "footprints," which would be useful for studying and identifying animals. Therefore, your answer of A is correct.

3. "Papá, Arturo, y yo vamos al bosque para buscar plantas silvestres. Bueno, pero ya son las seis de la tarde. No quiero que Uds. _______ muy lejos."
The correct answer is C. vayan. The sentence is indicating that the person does not want the speaker, Arturo, and their father to go too far into the forest. The verb "vayan" is the correct form of "ir" (to go) in the present subjunctive tense. Therefore, your answer of C is correct.

4. "Rosa, lleva este suéter. No quiero que _____ frío."
The correct answer is A. tengas. The sentence is expressing a desire for Rosa not to feel cold. The verb "tener" (to have) is used in this context to express the state of being cold. The correct form of the verb in the present subjunctive tense is "tengas." Therefore, your answer of A is correct.

5. "¿Qué olla debo usar para cocinar los frijoles? Es major que _______ ésta."
The correct answer is D. uses. The sentence is talking about choosing the better pot for cooking beans. The verb "usas" (you use) is the correct form to match the subject "tú" (you). Therefore, your answer of B is not correct, and the correct answer is D.

Based on the evaluation of each question, it appears that you have answered three out of the five questions correctly. You may want to reconsider your answers for questions 2 and 5.