Explore both the strengths and weaknesses of Ronald Reagan's presidency. What has made his vision so dominant ever since?

It depends on what you mean dominant?

Dominant to whom? and secondly, is is possible there is a myth about what he did (he did raise taxes. He did secretly intervene in Hondourous. He did trade weapons with hostile regimes.) Have we forgotten about his lack of clear mental ability the second term..yes, I know, we forgave Winston Churchill during his latter years for the same thing.

But I do question the meaning of dominant. he was the last Republican president that had any sense, so a lot of what one hears as Reagan's presidency is maybe ...exagerated...myth...living in the past.

I did vote for him, first term. Second term, I listened to him, and during the campaign I thought he had lost his mental facilities. Turns out, I was right, but he was elected anyway.

Bobpursley has made some excellent points. As far as Reagan's strengths and weaknesses, doesn't that depend upon your point of view?

You may want to read this article to get more ideas.


Ronald Reagan's presidency is viewed by many as a transformative period in American politics. To understand the strengths and weaknesses of his presidency and the reasons behind the ongoing dominance of his vision, we need to analyze his policies and political approach.

Strengths of Reagan's presidency:

1. Economic Policies: Reagan implemented conservative economic policies, often referred to as Reaganomics or supply-side economics. He advocated for tax cuts, reduced government regulation, and pursued policies aimed at stimulating economic growth. These policies are credited with contributing to a period of sustained economic expansion in the United States known as the "Reagan Boom."

2. Cold War Victory: Reagan is often praised for his role in ending the Cold War. Through his strong stance against the Soviet Union and his support of military buildup, Reagan applied pressure on the Soviet economy while also engaging in diplomatic negotiations. His assertive approach and successful diplomacy contributed to the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.

3. Communication Skills: Reagan possessed exceptional communication skills, using his background as an actor to effectively deliver his message and connect with the American people. His speeches, particularly his optimistic "Morning in America" rhetoric, resonated with conservative values and inspired a sense of national pride.

Weaknesses of Reagan's presidency:

1. Budget Deficits and National Debt: Despite his commitment to limited government, Reagan's economic policies led to significant budget deficits and a substantial increase in the national debt. Tax cuts and military spending were major contributors to this issue, and subsequent administrations faced challenges in addressing this debt burden.

2. Social Inequality: While Reagan's economic policies are credited with promoting economic growth, they also widened the wealth gap. Critics argue that Reaganomics favored the wealthy, exacerbating income inequality and neglecting the needs of lower-income Americans.

3. Iran-Contra Affair: One of the major scandals of the Reagan administration was the Iran-Contra affair. This involved an unauthorized arms deal with Iran to secure the release of American hostages and the diversion of funds from the arms deal to support anti-communist rebels in Nicaragua, despite a congressional ban. This controversy raised questions about Reagan's knowledge and involvement in the affair.

Dominance of Reagan's vision:

Reagan's vision remains dominant for several reasons:

1. Republican Legacy: Reagan's policies and leadership continue to shape the Republican Party's ideology and agenda. His emphasis on limited government, tax cuts, and strong defense has served as a guiding principle for subsequent conservative politicians.

2. Conservative Media Influence: Reagan's presidency coincided with the emergence and growth of conservative media outlets, such as talk radio and cable news networks like Fox News. These outlets have championed Reagan's legacy, ensuring that his vision and policies remain influential within conservative circles.

3. Historical Perspective: Reagan's presidency is viewed by many conservatives and Republicans as a successful and transformative period in American history. The passage of time has allowed Reagan's accomplishments to be remembered positively, while the challenges and criticisms faced during his tenure have somewhat faded.

It is important to note that perspectives on any presidency can vary widely depending on personal beliefs and biases. Analyzing a president's strengths and weaknesses allows for a more comprehensive understanding of their impact on the nation.