Which of the government strategies for

reducing collisions listed below might be the
most effective? Explain your answer.
a. Installing fencing along major highways
b. Draining salty ponds near highways
c. Posting warning signs
d. Adding highway lighting to improve
night visibility
e. Removing roadside brush so drivers can see
the road bette

It seems to me that d is the best answer. E is a good answer if the road is has blind curves, as my rural road here in Texas does...most of our collisions on it are cars too fast, and can't see around the bend what is coming.

Thanks, by the way why is d a better answer ?

If you cant see the road ahead, you cant see dark objects (parked cars, people), and you can't see if a car is coming, which side of the road it is on (drunks drive on wrong side often).

Thanks so much :)

To determine which government strategy for reducing collisions might be the most effective, let's analyze each option:

a. Installing fencing along major highways: This strategy can be effective in preventing collisions caused by wildlife crossing highways. It helps to keep animals away from the road, reducing the risk of collisions. The effectiveness of this strategy can be assessed by analyzing data on wildlife collisions before and after the installation of fencing.

b. Draining salty ponds near highways: This strategy may be effective in areas where collisions are commonly caused by animals attracted to salty ponds near highways. By draining these ponds, the animals are less likely to approach the roads. The effectiveness can be evaluated by monitoring the reduction in collisions after draining the ponds.

c. Posting warning signs: This is a common strategy used by governments to alert drivers of potential hazards, such as sharp turns or merging lanes. Warning signs can provide drivers with important information to help them make safer decisions while driving. The effectiveness of this strategy can be assessed by analyzing accident data before and after the installation of warning signs.

d. Adding highway lighting to improve night visibility: Poor visibility is a significant factor in many nighttime collisions. Installing additional lighting along highways can improve visibility and help drivers to see obstacles or potential hazards more easily. The effectiveness of this strategy can be evaluated by comparing collision data during nighttime before and after the installation of highway lighting.

e. Removing roadside brush so drivers can see the road better: Overgrown roadside brush can obstruct a driver's view of the road, making it difficult to see oncoming traffic or road signs. Removing this brush can improve visibility and reduce the risk of collisions. The effectiveness can be assessed by comparing collision data before and after the removal of roadside brush.

To determine the most effective strategy, it is essential to consider various factors, such as the specific problem in the area, the frequency and nature of collisions, and the cost-effectiveness of each option. It may be necessary to analyze historical collision data, conduct studies or pilot projects, and gather feedback from experts to obtain a comprehensive assessment of effectiveness.