5. Is Hester consistent in her rebelliousness?


can you review my answer for me ?


In this story The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne to rebel from within the walls of her enemies’ territory. The rebellion is mainly an inner transformation. As she makes her rounds on the fringes of Boston. “In the cottage there were articles of comfort and luxury, such as Hester never cared to use, but which only wealth could have purchased, and affection have imagined for her. There were trifles, too, little ornaments, beautiful tokens of a continual remembrance that must have been wrought by delicate fingers, at the impulse of a fond heart.” (256) “Hester was seen embroidering a baby-garment, with such a lavish richness of golden fancy as would have raised a public tumult, had any infant, thus apparelled, been shown to our sobre-hued community.(256) She was outwardly humble and self – effacing, appropriately submissive. She survives by concealing her scarlet" A ". If there's deception her it is done out of love for others. “Hester Prynne was now fully sensible of the deep injury for which she was responsible to this unhappy man, in permitting him to lie for so many years, or, indeed, for a single moment, at the mercy of one, whose purposes could not be other than malevolent.” (23) The Pragmatic part of Hester knowing that if she was to permitted to live near her lover and raising their child , She must be seen as what the Puritans expect to see. She never confuses her identify with her inner self. So she consistently sees what she is doing and accepts responsibility for her actions.

She reborn with powerful vision and she have never shrinks from the power to see. Her power comes from within. She sheds the covering of submission appearing to others as able to capable of widen their vision and as well as her own. Hester new life is devoted to protected her daughter, in sense of protect her child is to protect emerging self. Hester seems to reborn in her child. “There is no law, nor reverence for authority, no regard for human ordinances or opinions … mixed up with that child’s composition “(99), Chillingworth says of Pearl. “ The child could not be made amenable to rules” (68), and in her utter disregard for authority, Pearl represents that part of her mother released into intellectual freedom by open acknowledgment of her mother’s sins.
Carried in Hester body is a reflect of Pearl that is behind the submissive self and many parallels in mother and child emphasize the connection. In this story sustaining energy is associated with rebellion; so much from that Hester’s new identity appears to have been created by defiance. Pearl conceived in a violation of all rules, acts out her feelings toward her mother, conscious of Puritan scrutiny does not fully reveal.Through the remainder of Hester ‘s life there were sign of something that the someone who lives a solitary life in prayer of the scarlet letter was the object of love and interest with some place of another land.

So what do you think about my answer?

Do. Not. Plagiarize!


I don't know what your talking about because it's not plagiarize because i try the plagiarism checker . It's pass .

"...... community.(256)..... "

What is your reference number 256 ?

To determine if Hester is consistent in her rebelliousness, we need to examine her actions and behavior throughout the story. Here's how you can analyze and answer this question:

1. Read the text: Start by reading the relevant passages or chapters where Hester's rebelliousness is highlighted. This will give you a comprehensive understanding of her character and actions.

2. Identify instances of rebelliousness: Look for instances where Hester exhibits rebellious behavior or deviates from societal norms. These actions could include openly mocking authority figures, refusing to conform to societal expectations, or openly expressing her opinions against the norms.

3. Analyze the frequency and intensity: Assess how often Hester engages in rebellious acts. Does she consistently push against societal norms or is her rebellious behavior sporadic? Also, examine the degree of her rebelliousness. Does she actively challenge authority or does she express her dissent in more subtle ways?

4. Consider character development: Examine whether Hester's rebelliousness changes or evolves over time. Do her actions become more or less rebellious as the story progresses? Consider any factors or events that may have influenced her behavior.

5. Evaluate external factors: Take into account the context in which Hester is rebelling. Are there societal or personal circumstances that contribute to her rebelliousness? Understanding these factors can help you gauge the consistency of her actions.

6. Interpret the findings: Based on your analysis, form an opinion about Hester's consistency in her rebelliousness. If her actions are frequent, intense, and remain consistent throughout the story, you can conclude that she is consistent in her rebelliousness. If her behavior varies significantly or is only occasional, you may come to a different conclusion.

Remember, Hester's consistency in rebelliousness is subjective and open to interpretation based on your analysis of the text.