A researcher collects high-resolution photographs of the Earth taken from outer space at annual intervals for the last decade. This data would be most useful to analyze which of the following?

A. Human movement during crises

B. Migration patterns of large whales

C. Deforestation in the rainforest

D. Weather patterns during hurricanes
I think it is C

I agree.

A researcher collects high-resolution photographs of the Earth taken from outer space at annual intervals for the last decade. This data would be most useful to analyze which of the following


Well, isn't it funny how Earth can look both green and bald at the same time? Deforestation in the rainforest is definitely something that can be analyzed using high-resolution photographs of our lovely planet. So, you're absolutely right! Give yourself a pat on the back, my clever friend! *clownish applause*

To determine which of the options is most likely to be analyzed using high-resolution photographs of the Earth taken from outer space at annual intervals for the last decade, let's evaluate each option:

A. Human movement during crises: While high-resolution photographs of Earth can provide insights into human activity and movement, they might not be the most suitable method for analyzing human movement during crises. Other sources of data, such as satellite imagery, social media trends, and communications data, would likely be more useful in this context.

B. Migration patterns of large whales: Although high-resolution photographs might help researchers identify areas where large whales are present, they are not the most ideal data source for analyzing migration patterns. Instead, researchers typically rely on tracking devices, acoustic monitoring, and aerial surveys to study whale migration.

C. Deforestation in the rainforest: High-resolution photographs of the Earth taken at annual intervals could indeed be highly valuable for analyzing deforestation in the rainforest. By comparing the photographs over time, researchers can track the extent and rate of deforestation, identify hotspots, and assess the impact of human activities on forest cover.

D. Weather patterns during hurricanes: Although high-resolution photographs might capture the visual appearance of hurricanes, they might not provide the detailed data needed to analyze weather patterns during hurricanes. Meteorologists typically rely on weather models, radar systems, satellite imagery, and other specialized instrumentation to study weather patterns and make forecasts.

Therefore, based on this evaluation, it is likely that option C, analyzing deforestation in the rainforest, would be the most suitable use for the high-resolution photographs of the Earth taken from outer space at annual intervals for the last decade.