Each of the Spanish sentences below is incorrect in either grammar or meaning. Rewrite each

sentence correctly.
1. El rey que canta está tocando el tambor.
The king that used to sing is playing the drum.
2. Él y ella está tomando jugo.
He and she are drinking juice.
3. La princesa todavía canta.
The princess used to sing.
4. ¿Con quién llora la reina?
Who does the queen sing with?
5. ¿Cómo canta la reina?
Where does the queen sing?

If you post your answers, I'll send them to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

1. El rey que solía cantar está tocando el tambor.

2. Él y ella están tomando jugo.
3. La princesa sigue cantando.
4. ¿Con quién llora la reina?
5. ¿Cómo canta la reina?

To rewrite each sentence correctly, you'll need to consider the grammar and meaning of the original sentences. Here are the corrected sentences:

1. El rey que cantaba está tocando el tambor.
(The king who used to sing is playing the drum.)

Explanation: In Spanish, when referring to a past action, you should use the past tense. Therefore, the verb "cantar" (to sing) should be in the past tense, which is "cantaba" in this case.

2. Él y ella están tomando jugo.
(He and she are drinking juice.)

Explanation: The subject "él y ella" (he and she) is plural, so the verb "estar" (to be) should also be in the plural form, which is "están."

3. La princesa sigue cantando.
(The princess is still singing.)

Explanation: The verb "seguir" (to continue/to still) should be used to indicate that the action of singing is ongoing. Hence, "todavía" (still) is replaced with "sigue" (is still) to convey the correct meaning.

4. ¿Con quién llora la reina?
(With whom does the queen cry?)

Explanation: The verb "llorar" means "to cry," not "to sing." The question is asking who the queen cries with, so the correct translation for "cries" is "llora."

5. ¿Dónde canta la reina?
(Where does the queen sing?)

Explanation: "Cómo" means "how," not "where." The question is asking about the location where the queen sings. Therefore, "cómo" is replaced with "dónde" (where) to convey the correct meaning.