A doctor wants to know if her patients are happy with her. She decides to survey a sample of her clients. What method would be best for choosing a random sample that is a fair representation of her patients?

A. Assign numbers to each patient and then use a random number generator to choose one hundred patients to survey.

B. Give a survey to the next one hundred patients who come to the office.

C. Call the first one hundred patients in alphabetical order.

D. Ask the nurse to refer one hundred patients to call.

To choose a random sample that is a fair representation of her patients, the doctor should use method A. Assigning numbers to each patient and then using a random number generator to choose one hundred patients to survey is a good way to ensure randomness and eliminate any potential bias in the selection process. This method gives every patient an equal chance of being selected, making it the most appropriate choice for obtaining a fair representation of her patients' opinions.