What feedback did you receive from the CWE, your peer reviewer, and your instructor? Explain what feedback you will incorporate and what feedback you will not incorporate into your paper. Include a rationale for your choices.

My answer:
The Center for Writing Excellence suggested changes in grammar and style. Also to evaluate each comment and to make sure that rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed and performed accordingly.

The peer review from my classmate was pretty thorough. There were a lot of valid points that my peer reviewer made and that I will take into consideration such as the introduction needs more of a punch line to grab the audience’s attention. Also clarification on the rising cost of food table regarding the numbers on the left side. The peer reviewer stated that the WIC paragraph was unclear and made the following comment: “More explanation is needed with this topic. The WIC program does not have a limit on the amount of the checks. The individual that has the WIC checks has a list in the back where they can choose their products that are available for them. Once they have met what is available for them, the cashier enters the dollar amount for that purchase. So overall, there is really no set limit on it” In addition to the WIC, I will intensify my research on government founded program such as food stamps. Overall the peer reviewer was very complimentary on the research paper.

The peer review from my teacher was very clear and thought the illustration validated the paper. He also mentioned that the paper was well written and concise. Where he saw opportunity was in the conclusion. I will take his advice and incorporate the two questions into the body of the paper.

The reason that I decided to use both the peer reviewer and the teacher’s feedback because they are very rationale and would help strengthen my paper. In essence, the benefit that I gain from the peer reviewers will help improve my editing skills. Also there is no feedback mentioned that I will not incorporate into my paper because most of the comments were very positive.

Your second sentence is incomplete.

I question the accuracy of the peer reviewer's comments about the WIC program. I believe that each person is allowed only so much money from the program. You may want to look into that more.

In the third paragraph -- your teacher didn't give you a "peer" review. A peer review is one made by another student or coworker.

This is a good paper! :-)

Thanks a lot Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Rose!

Based on the feedback received from the Center for Writing Excellence, the peer reviewer, and the instructor, there are several suggestions that I will incorporate into my paper and some that I will not.

Firstly, the feedback from the Center for Writing Excellence regarding grammar and style changes is valuable, and I will definitely make the necessary revisions to improve these aspects of my paper. Paying attention to grammar, usage, and punctuation rules is crucial to ensuring a well-written and polished paper. Therefore, I will carefully evaluate each comment and make the necessary corrections.

Regarding the peer reviewer's feedback, there are several points that I find valid and will include in my revised paper. For instance, the suggestion to improve the introduction by adding a captivating punch line to grab the audience's attention is valuable. I will work on enhancing the introduction to make it more engaging and compelling.

The comment about the WIC program paragraph being unclear is also insightful. To address this, I will conduct further research on the WIC program and clarify the details in my paper. Additionally, intensifying my research on other government-funded programs, such as food stamps, based on the peer reviewer's suggestion, will add more depth and credibility to my paper.

The instructor's feedback on the illustration validating the paper and the overall well-written and concise nature of the paper is encouraging. However, the suggestion to improve the conclusion by incorporating two questions into the body of the paper is valuable. I will take this advice and integrate the relevant questions in a suitable section of my paper.

Overall, I have chosen to incorporate the feedback from both the peer reviewer and the instructor because their comments are rational, constructive, and aimed at strengthening my paper. There were no feedback comments mentioned that I will not incorporate because most of the comments were positive, indicating areas to enhance rather than major flaws to avoid. The goal of incorporating feedback is to refine the paper and ensure its overall quality and effectiveness.