ways non-Muslims were treated in the Islamic world?

When? Where?

There are huge differences depending upon the time period and the location.

middle east, late 1300's-1700's

During that time period, much of the Middle East was part of the Ottoman Empire.


To understand the ways non-Muslims were treated in the Islamic world, it is important to consider that the treatment varied depending on the specific time period, region, and ruler. However, I can provide you with some general information on this topic.

1. Dhimmi System: In the early Islamic era, non-Muslims, known as dhimmis, were granted a protected status in exchange for paying a tax called jizya and accepting certain restrictions on their religious practices. While they were allowed to practice their own religions, they were considered second-class citizens and had to adhere to certain social and legal codes.

2. Religious Freedom: Despite the restrictions, Islamic law generally allowed non-Muslims to practice their own religions within their communities. They were permitted to build and maintain their places of worship, and often had their own legal systems and personal status laws.

3. Property and Economic Rights: Non-Muslims were allowed to own property and engage in economic activities. However, there were instances where discriminatory restrictions were placed on them, such as limitations on land ownership or access to certain professions.

4. Social and Cultural Integration: Non-Muslims in the Islamic world often had to abide by various social norms and practices to integrate into the society. This included adopting Arabic language, dressing modestly, and respecting Islamic customs. However, this varied depending on the region and rulers.

5. Persecution and Tolerance: While there were instances of persecution and mistreatment of non-Muslims in certain periods and places, there were also examples of tolerance and coexistence. Islamic history includes periods where non-Muslims enjoyed relative religious and cultural freedom, and were able to contribute to the flourishing of arts, sciences, and commerce.

It should be noted that the treatment of non-Muslims in the Islamic world spanned over a vast geographical area and across many centuries. Therefore, it is essential to approach this topic with a nuanced understanding, considering the complex and varied nature of interactions between Muslims and non-Muslims throughout history.