5) Which foods hinder the absorption of less absorbable forms of irons in foods, such as whole grains, dried peas or beans?

A. Orange juice or other forms of Vitamin C
B. Milk products or eggs
C. Tea
D. All of the above
E. B and C
6) Which vegetable would cause the blood glucose to increase more?
A. Summer squash (yellow, zucchini)
B. Winter squash (acorn)
C. Cabbage family (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage)
D. Carrots

i think the to the number 5 one is the letter E WITH IS B. AND C TO THE NUMBER 6 I THINK IT IS THE LETTER D. CARROTS


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To answer question number 5, we need to determine which foods hinder the absorption of less absorbable forms of iron in foods such as whole grains, dried peas, or beans. One way to find this answer is to understand the factors that enhance or inhibit iron absorption.

One of the main factors that enhance iron absorption is the presence of vitamin C. Therefore, foods containing vitamin C can help in the absorption of iron. Option A states that orange juice or other forms of vitamin C hinder the absorption of less absorbable forms of iron, which is incorrect since vitamin C actually helps in iron absorption.

Next, let's consider option B, which suggests that milk products or eggs hinder iron absorption. While dairy products and eggs may contain calcium, which can inhibit iron absorption, they do not hinder the absorption of less absorbable forms of iron found in whole grains, dried peas, or beans. So, option B is not the correct answer.

Now, let's consider option C, which states that tea hinders the absorption of iron. Tea contains substances called tannins that can bind to iron, making it less absorbable. Therefore, option C is correct.

Therefore, the correct answer to question number 5 is option E: B and C, since both milk products or eggs and tea hinder the absorption of less absorbable forms of iron in foods.

Moving on to question number 6, we need to determine which vegetable would cause an increase in blood glucose. To find the answer, we can look at the glycemic index (GI) values of these vegetables. The GI is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates from food raise blood sugar levels.

Option A suggests summer squash, option B suggests winter squash, option C suggests cabbage family vegetables, and option D suggests carrots.

Out of these options, carrots have a relatively higher GI value compared to the other vegetables listed. Therefore, the correct answer to question number 6 is option D: Carrots.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.