Mufaddal wants to travel from point H to point F as shown in image. How many ways can he travel from point H to point F if moving north and west directions are not permitted?






To find the number of ways Mufaddal can travel from point H to point F without moving north or west, we need to analyze the possible paths from H to F.

Since moving north and west is not permitted, Mufaddal can only move east and south. Let's trace the possible paths step by step.

Starting from point H, he can only move east. There is only one way to reach the next point.

Moving to the next point, he can again only move east. Once again, there is only one way to reach the next point.

Continuing along the same line, he reaches the third point. From this point, he has two options: he can either move south or continue moving east.

If he moves south, there is only one way for him to reach the final destination point, F.

If he continues moving east, there is only one way for him to reach the final destination point, F.

So, there are a total of four possible paths for Mufaddal to travel from point H to point F.

Therefore, the correct answer is 4.