What percent less than 3 is 2? Can you explain too?

2/3 = 67%

while 2 is 67% of 3, that means that

2 is 33% less than 3.

2 is 1 less than 3.
1 is 33% of 3

To find the percentage by which one number is less than another, you can use the following formula:

Percentage decrease = (Decrease / Original) x 100%

In this case, the decrease is the difference between the original number (3) and the new number (2), which is 1. The original number is 3. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Percentage decrease = (1 / 3) x 100%
= 0.333... x 100%
= 33.33...%

Therefore, 2 is 33.33...% less than 3.

In summary, to find the percentage by which one number is less than another:
1. Subtract the new number from the original number to find the decrease.
2. Divide the decrease by the original number.
3. Multiply the result by 100% to get the percentage decrease.