Hey, i just wanted to know if i got the questions right? Thanks

Choose the sentence in which the verb, shown in quotation marks, is grammatically correct.
A. El principe no "está" en casa.
➭B. ¿Dónde "es" Maria?
C. Ella "está" de México.

Choose the correct English translation for Parece que sí.
➭A. It appears so.
B. It appeared so.
C. It did appear so.

Choose the sentence that correctly says "The queen doesn't like to dance."
➭A. A la reina no le gusta bailar.
B. A la reina no le quiere bailar.
C. Bailar no gusta la reina.

Choose the sentence that correctly says "He doesn't like to eat."
A. Gusta no comer.
B. Comer no gusta.
➭C. No le gusta comer

In which of the following sentences is the underlined word or phrase used or placed incorrectly?
A. Alberto "lo" conoce.
B. El no conoce "la".
➭C. Ella ve "a la duquesa".

The English equivalent for asistir is
➭A. assist.
B. understand.
C. speak.

In which one of the following sentences is the underlined word used or placed incorrectly?
A. No "le" gusta dormir.
➭B. ¿Dónde "viven" los principes de Cali?
C. A ella le "gusta" mantequilla y crema.

In which of the following sentences is the underlined word or phrase used or placed incorrectly?
➭A. Roberto conoce "a María y a Alberto".
B. Elena conoce "a los dos".
C. ¿Quién conoce "a María"?

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

First of all, it would be very helpful if you would number the items = 1., 2., 3., etc.

The first one has 2 errors, both B & C.
B. ¿Dónde está Maria? (location)
C. Ella es de México. (origin)

The rest are OK in the first set.

In the 2nd set, the incorrect one for the first is: B. El no la conoce.

The English equivalent for "asistir" is "to attend!" although it is possible also to mean "to assist." to assist is "ayudar"

In the next one, in B. los príncipes requires an accent mark but C. is incorrect. Because there are 2 things "pleasing to her" = A ella le gustan mantequilla y crema. Please learn the verb "gustar" NOT as "to like" but "to be pleasing" and you will better understand why it is usually used in the 3rd person singular (if one thing is pleasing) or 3rd person plural (if 2 or more things are pleasin g.)

In the last one, because nothing is underlined, I'm in a quandry! All 3 look correct!


I'll flag this so I can come back later to see if you have further questions.


Sorry, i will be sure to number the questions next time.

I put quotation marks where it should have been underlined, but i'm positive the last one is A.

Thank you for your help!! ♥

There is nothing wrong with A. B could be incorrect if you are NOT referring to 2 people.'


Here are the correct answers to the questions:

1. The correct sentence is B. ¿Dónde "es" Maria?
To determine the correct sentence, you need to identify the correct verb form. In this case, the correct form is "es" because it matches the subject "María". The other options have incorrect verb forms.

2. The correct translation for "Parece que sí" is A. It appears so.
To find the correct translation, you need to understand the meaning of the phrase. "Parece que sí" means "it appears so" in English. The other options have variations of past tense, which do not match the meaning of the phrase.

3. The correct sentence is A. A la reina no le gusta bailar.
To select the correct sentence, you need to understand the correct use of verbs and the negation. The phrase "A la reina no le gusta bailar" correctly translates to "The queen doesn't like to dance." The other options have incorrect verb forms or word order.

4. The incorrect sentence is C. Ella ve "a la duquesa".
To identify the incorrect sentence, you need to find any errors in the use or placement of underlined words or phrases. In this case, the underlined phrase "a la duquesa" is incorrectly used with the verb "ver". The correct construction would be "Ella ve a la duquesa." The other options do not have any errors.

5. The English equivalent for "asistir" is A. assist.
To determine the correct translation, you need to find the closest English equivalent for the Spanish word "asistir". The correct translation is "assist". The other options do not match the meaning of "asistir".

6. The incorrect sentence is B. ¿Dónde "viven" los principes de Cali?
To identify the incorrect sentence, you need to find any errors in the use or placement of underlined words or phrases. In this case, the underlined word "viven" is not used correctly in the sentence. The correct translation would be "¿Dónde viven los príncipes de Cali?" The other options do not have any errors.

7. The incorrect sentence is A. Roberto conoce "a María y a Alberto".
To identify the incorrect sentence, you need to find any errors in the use or placement of underlined words or phrases. In this case, the underlined phrase "a María y a Alberto" is not necessary because the verb "conoce" already implies that Roberto knows both María and Alberto. The correct sentence would be "Roberto conoce a María y Alberto." The other options do not have any errors.