the population of Erik's school increased by 5% from last year to this year. This year, there were 15 more students in his school than last year. How many students were in Erik's school last year?

0.05x = 15

x = ?

To find the number of students in Erik's school last year, we need to work through the problem step by step.

Let's assume the number of students in Erik's school last year was "x".

According to the problem, the population of Erik's school increased by 5% from last year to this year. This means the number of students this year would be 105% of the number of students last year.

So, the number of students this year is 1.05x (105% of x).

Additionally, the problem states that this year there were 15 more students in Erik's school than last year. This means the number of students this year is equal to the number of students last year plus 15.

Setting up the equation, we have:

1.05x = x + 15

To isolate x (the number of students last year), we can subtract x from both sides of the equation:

0.05x = 15

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.05 to solve for x:

x = 15 / 0.05

x = 300

Therefore, there were 300 students in Erik's school last year.

.05x = 15

Solve for x.