If p,q,r,s belongs to R and pr=2(q+s) then show that atleast one of the eqn x²+px+q=0,x²+rx+s=0 has real roots.

To prove that at least one of the equations x² + px + q = 0 or x² + rx + s = 0 has real roots, we can approach the problem using contradiction.

Assume that both equations have complex roots, which means their discriminants are negative.

For the first equation, x² + px + q = 0, the discriminant is given by D₁ = p² - 4q.
Similarly, for the second equation, x² + rx + s = 0, the discriminant is given by D₂ = r² - 4s.

Since both discriminants D₁ and D₂ are negative, we have:

D₁ < 0 and D₂ < 0

Expanding D₁ and D₂ using the given equation pr = 2(q + s), we get:

p² - 4q < 0 and r² - 4s < 0

Adding both inequalities, we have:

p² - 4q + r² - 4s < 0

Rearranging the terms, we get:

(p² + r²) - 4(q + s) < 0

Substituting the given equation pr = 2(q + s), we have:

(p² + r²) - 4(pr/2) < 0

Simplifying further:

p² + r² - 2pr < 0

Notice that the left side of the inequality represents (p - r)², which must be greater than or equal to zero. Therefore, we have:

(p - r)² < 0

However, a squared term can never be negative, which contradicts our assumption that both equations have complex roots.

Hence, at least one of the equations x² + px + q = 0 or x² + rx + s = 0 must have real roots.