There are 25 red beads,x blue beads and y green beads in a box.When a bead is picked at random,the probability that it is blue is 1 over 4 and the probability that it is green is 1 over 3.

(a)Find the value of x and y.
(b)How many blue beads must be added so that the probability of picking a blue bead is 4 over 13?

Answer:a. X=15, y=20
b. 5


x=blue, y=green

Cross multiply and simplify
4x=25+x+y => 3x-y=25

Cross multiply and simplify
3y=25+x+y => -x+2y=25

5x=75 => x=15

Cross multiply
5 blue beads must be added.

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of probability.

(a) To find the values of x and y, we can set up the following equation:

Probability of picking a blue bead + Probability of picking a green bead + Probability of picking a red bead = 1

Given that the probability of picking a blue bead is 1/4 and the probability of picking a green bead is 1/3, we can substitute these values into the equation:

1/4 + 1/3 + Probability of picking a red bead = 1

To find the probability of picking a red bead, we subtract the sum of the probabilities for blue and green beads from 1:

1 - 1/4 - 1/3 = 12/12 - 3/12 - 4/12 = 5/12

We can now set up another equation based on the number of beads:

Number of blue beads + Number of green beads + Number of red beads = Total number of beads

Given that there are 25 red beads, we can substitute this value into the equation:

x + y + 25 = Total number of beads

We already know the probability of picking a blue bead is 1/4, so the number of blue beads can be expressed as:

x = 1/4 * Total number of beads

Similarly, since the probability of picking a green bead is 1/3, the number of green beads can be expressed as:

y = 1/3 * Total number of beads

Substituting the expressions for x and y into the second equation, we get:

1/4 * Total number of beads + 1/3 * Total number of beads + 25 = Total number of beads

Multiplying each term by the common denominator of 12 to eliminate the fractions, we obtain:

3 * Total number of beads + 4 * Total number of beads + 12 * 25 = 12 * Total number of beads

Simplifying the equation gives:

7 * Total number of beads + 300 = 12 * Total number of beads

Rearranging the equation, we have:

5 * Total number of beads = 300

Dividing both sides by 5 gives:

Total number of beads = 60

Now substituting this value back into the equations for x and y, we get:

x = 1/4 * 60 = 15
y = 1/3 * 60 = 20

Therefore, the values of x and y are x = 15 and y = 20.

(b) To find the number of blue beads that must be added so that the probability of picking a blue bead is 4/13, we can set up the following equation:

(Number of blue beads + Number of added blue beads) / (Total number of beads + Number of added blue beads) = 4/13

Substituting the values we know, we have:

(x + Number of added blue beads) / (60 + Number of added blue beads) = 4/13

Cross-multiplying the equation gives:

13 * (x + Number of added blue beads) = 4 * (60 + Number of added blue beads)

Simplifying the equation gives:

13x + 13 * Number of added blue beads = 240 + 4 * Number of added blue beads

Rearranging the equation, we have:

9 * Number of added blue beads = 240 - 13x

Dividing both sides by 9 gives:

Number of added blue beads = (240 - 13x) / 9

Substituting x = 15 (from part a), we get:

Number of added blue beads = (240 - 13 * 15) / 9 = (240 - 195) / 9 = 45/9 = 5

Therefore, to make the probability of picking a blue bead equal to 4/13, 5 blue beads must be added.