what is the mass percent of sodium hydroxide in a solution that is made by dissolving 8 grams of sodium hydroxide in 50 grams of h2o answer

looks like 8/58 to me

Don't forget to multiply by 100 to convert to %.

To calculate the mass percent of sodium hydroxide in a solution, you need to determine the mass of sodium hydroxide in the solution and divide it by the total mass of the solution, then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

Here's how you can calculate it step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the mass of sodium hydroxide in the solution.
Given: Mass of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) = 8 grams

Step 2: Calculate the mass of water in the solution.
Given: Mass of water (H2O) = 50 grams

Step 3: Determine the total mass of the solution.
Total mass of the solution = Mass of sodium hydroxide + Mass of water

Total mass of the solution = 8 grams + 50 grams = 58 grams

Step 4: Calculate the mass percent of sodium hydroxide.
Mass percent of sodium hydroxide = (Mass of sodium hydroxide / Total mass of the solution) x 100

Mass percent of sodium hydroxide = (8 grams / 58 grams) x 100

Mass percent of sodium hydroxide ≈ 13.79%

Therefore, the mass percent of sodium hydroxide in the solution is approximately 13.79%.