As we find with most songs, in poetry

In order to understand the connection between songs and poetry, it is important to recognize that songs often have poetic elements. Many songs have lyrics, which are essentially poems set to music. Both poetry and songs share common characteristics such as rhythm, rhyme, metaphors, and emotional expression. However, the main difference is that songs are meant to be sung, while poetry is typically intended to be read silently or aloud.

To answer your question, when we say "as we find with most songs, in poetry," it suggests that there are certain aspects or qualities commonly found in songs that can also be found in poetry. This could include elements like rhyme schemes, the use of figurative language, narrative structure, or the expression of personal emotions or experiences.

To explore this further, you can analyze song lyrics as poetry. Look for patterns in language, rhythm, and imagery. Pay attention to the relationship between the words and the music, as it can enhance or deepen the emotional impact of the lyrics. Additionally, reading poetry from different periods and in various styles can also provide insights into how songs and poems relate to each other.

By studying various forms of poetry and analyzing the lyrics of songs, you can gain a deeper understanding of how these two art forms intersect and find similarities.