Joylin receives a $50 gift card for the local movie theater for her birthday. She uses the card to purchase tickets and snacks for her family. If Joylin spends $6 more on tickets than she does on snacks, how much does Joylin spend on tickets?

x + (x-6) = 50

2 x - 6 = 50

2 x = 56

x = 28

this website sucks.where the answers at

Let's call the amount Joylin spends on snacks "x".

Since she spends $6 more on tickets than snacks, the amount she spends on tickets is "x + $6".

Joylin spends a total of $50 on tickets and snacks, so the equation becomes:

x + (x + $6) = $50.

Combining like terms, we have:

2x + $6 = $50.

Subtracting $6 from both sides, the equation becomes:

2x = $44.

Dividing both sides by 2, we find:

x = $22.

Therefore, Joylin spends $22 on snacks.

To find out how much Joylin spends on tickets, we substitute x = $22 into the expression x + $6:

$22 + $6 = $28.

So, Joylin spends $28 on tickets.

To determine how much Joylin spends on tickets, we need to set up a mathematical equation based on the given information. Let's say Joylin spends x dollars on snacks.

According to the problem, Joylin spends $6 more on tickets than she does on snacks. Therefore, the amount spent on tickets would be x + $6.

We know that Joylin receives a $50 gift card for the local movie theater, which she uses to purchase tickets and snacks. So, the sum of the amounts spent on tickets and snacks must be equal to $50.

Now, let's set up the equation:

x + (x + $6) = $50

By simplifying the equation, we can begin to solve for x, which will help us find the amount Joylin spends on tickets.

Combining like terms, we have:

2x + $6 = $50

Subtracting $6 from both sides of the equation:

2x + $6 - $6 = $50 - $6

This leaves us with:

2x = $44

To isolate x, we should divide both sides of the equation by 2:

2x / 2 = $44 / 2

Which simplifies to:

x = $22

Therefore, Joylin spends $22 on snacks. To find out how much she spends on tickets, we substitute the value of x back into the equation:

x + $6 = $22 + $6

This equals:

x + $6 = $28

Joylin spends $28 on tickets.