What are the connections to word problems for direct and Inverse Variations and why are they functions?

I really don't understand your question. If there is a direct or inverse relationship between two variables, either the word problem will say so or it will be obvious from laws of physics or logic.

it's like how are word problems related to direct or inverse variations?...like when would you use it and how would you use it in a word problem...about the function part...my guess was that whatever output you have, the input will never be the same...is that right?

If you have one output for every input, the output is a function of the input.

Direct variation means that the absolute value of the output goes up with the input.
For example with a spring, the further ou push it, the harder it pushes back.
F = -k x
force varies directly with distance x
Potential energy U increases with square of distance
U = (1/2) k x^2
Potential energy again varies directly with distance x

Inverse variation means that the absolute value of output goes down as
the input goes up.
For example with gravity the Force on mass m dues to mass M a distance D away is
F = G m M/D^2
so the force varies inversely with distance and is proportional to 1/distance squared.

however, how is it related to word problems???

Make one up with a spring and make one up with gravity.

Word problems involving direct and inverse variations often require us to understand the relationship between two different quantities.

Direct variation refers to a situation where two quantities change in the same way. In other words, if one quantity increases, the other quantity also increases, and if one quantity decreases, the other quantity also decreases. This relationship can be represented by a function where the output (dependent variable) is directly proportional to the input (independent variable) by a constant factor. For example, if the cost of buying apples is directly proportional to the number of apples purchased, we can write a function like this: cost = k * quantity.

Inverse variation, on the other hand, refers to a situation where two quantities change in opposite directions. If one quantity increases, the other quantity decreases, and vice versa. Inverse variations can also be represented by functions. In this case, the output (dependent variable) is inversely proportional to the input (independent variable) by a constant factor. For example, if the time taken to drive a certain distance is inversely proportional to the speed of the car, we can write a function like this: time = k / speed.

Word problems involving direct and inverse variations can be solved using a systematic approach. First, we need to understand the relationship between the two quantities given in the problem. Then, we can represent this relationship using a function, as explained above, and determine the constant of variation (k). Finally, we can use the given information to solve for the unknowns or evaluate the quantity we are interested in.

The reason why direct and inverse variations are considered functions is that they establish a definite relationship between two quantities. In mathematics, a function is a rule that assigns a unique output value for every input value. The functions used to represent direct and inverse variations follow this principle, mapping the input to a specific output. By expressing these relationships as functions, we can analyze and manipulate them using mathematical tools and techniques.