Use 100 square grids to shade each of the following decimals fractions. Shade 1.5 and what fraction would remain un shaded?

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To shade the decimal fraction 1.5 on a 100 square grid, we need to understand how the decimal relates to the whole number.

The decimal 1.5 can be written as a mixed number, which is 1 and 1/2. This means that we have one whole square shaded and half of another square shaded.

On the 100 square grid, each square represents 1% of the total area. Therefore, to shade 1.5, we need to shade 1 whole square and half of another square, which is equivalent to shading 1% + 0.5%.

To determine the number of squares to shade, we need to find 1% and 0.5%.

First, let's find 1% of 100 squares:
1% of 100 squares = 1 square

Then, let's find 0.5% of 100 squares:
0.5% of 100 squares = 0.5 square

Now, we shade 1 whole square and half of another square on the grid.

To determine the fraction that remains unshaded, we need to find the fraction of the grid that is not shaded.

One whole square is already shaded, which represents 1/100 of the total area. Additionally, half of another square is shaded, which represents 0.5/100 of the total area.

To find the unshaded fraction, we need to subtract the shaded fraction from one whole:
1 - (1/100 + 0.5/100) = 1 - 1.5/100 = 98.5/100

Therefore, the fraction that remains unshaded is 98.5/100.