use 100 square grids to shade 1.5 and what fraction would remain un shaded?


Your answer is wrong

What is the correct answer?

150 shaded and 50/200 un shaded

To shade 1.5 out of 100 square grids, we need to find the fraction equivalent of 1.5.

Step 1: Convert 1.5 to an improper fraction by multiplying the decimal by 100. 1.5 multiplied by 100 equals 150.

Step 2: Write the fraction by putting 150 as the numerator and 100 as the denominator. So, the fraction equivalent of 1.5 is 150/100.

For the fraction that remains unshaded, we subtract the shaded fraction (150/100) from the total fraction (100/100).

Step 3: Subtract 150/100 from 100/100. To do this, we need a common denominator. The common denominator of 100 and 100 is 100. So, the equation becomes:

100/100 - 150/100 = (100 - 150)/100 = (-50)/100

Step 4: Simplify the fraction if possible. In this case, (-50)/100 can be simplified to -1/2.

Therefore, the fraction that remains unshaded is -1/2.