Solve: z/6-z/1=1/6

If you mean z/6 - z/1 = 1/6, then remember that z/1 = 1 = 6z/6.

Therefore -5z/6 = 1/6
5z = -1
z = -1/5


To solve the equation (z/6) - (z/1) = 1/6, we can follow a few simple steps:

Step 1: Get a common denominator: The two fractions on the left-hand side have denominators of 6 and 1 respectively. To combine them, we need a common denominator of 6. Since 6 is already the denominator of the first fraction, we don't need to change it. However, we need to rewrite the second fraction with a denominator of 6.

(z/6) - (z/1) = 1/6 becomes (z/6) - (6z/6) = 1/6

Step 2: Combine the fractions: Now that we have a common denominator of 6, we can combine the fractions on the left-hand side.

(z/6) - (6z/6) = 1/6 becomes (z - 6z) / 6 = 1/6

Step 3: Simplify: We simplify the numerator by subtracting z from 6z.

(-5z) / 6 = 1/6

Step 4: Get rid of the fraction: We can get rid of the fraction by multiplying both sides of the equation by 6. This will cancel out the denominators.

(-5z) / 6 * 6 = (1/6) * 6

This simplifies to:

-5z = 1

Step 5: Solve for z: Now that we have eliminated the fractions, we can solve for z by isolating it on one side of the equation. Divide both sides of the equation by -5.

(-5z) / -5 = 1 / -5

This simplifies to:

z = -1/5

So, the solution to the equation is z = -1/5.