Which of the following groups has the

best chance of bringing a class action lawsuit?

1. Everyone who developed a severe
sunburn on the same day in Miami,
despite using one of the leading
brands of sunblock.

2. Elderly patients who complain of
back problems and who all live in
nursing homes that are located in
the Chicago area,but are managed
by different companies.

3. Television viewers who claim that
being addicted to "reality T.V."
shows has caused their spouses to
divorce them.

4. Patients with the same degenerative
muscular disease, who all live in a
town located near a factory that
has been declared a hazardous waste
site by the Enviromental Protection

would it be 4?

Number 1 sounds more likely than number 4 because there had been no forewarning (as in the declaration of a hazardous waste site).

according to the book I am studying-
it would be number 1. So, I am confused.

I apologize for the confusion. Based on the information provided, it seems that the book you are studying is suggesting that group number 1 has the best chance of bringing a class action lawsuit. The reason for this is that the group consists of individuals who all developed severe sunburn on the same day in Miami, despite using one of the leading brands of sunblock. This indicates a potential product defect or failure, which could be grounds for a class action lawsuit against the manufacturer of the sunblock. The other options, although they may involve certain grievances, do not seem to clearly indicate a potential for a class action lawsuit.