what is the greatest odd number that would be produced when 660 is rounded off to the nearest hundreds?

What do you mean by "would be produced?"

i just copy the question on my books....and i would like also to thank you Ms.Sue for the past homework question i post that you answered,i analyze it then i got your point.its really a big help.thank you and God Bless You.

Please ask your teacher to explain what that phrase means.

And you're welcome. :-)

I think "would be produced" is superfluous wording. I read it as what is the greatest odd number after rounding 660 to the nearest hundreds. 660 rounds to 700 and that's an odd number

To find the greatest odd number that would be produced when 660 is rounded off to the nearest hundreds, let's first understand how rounding off to the nearest hundreds works.

Rounding off to the nearest hundreds involves looking at the tens digit of the number. If the tens digit is less than 5, you round down. If the tens digit is 5 or greater, you round up.

In the case of 660, the tens digit is 6. Since 6 is greater than 5, we round up. To round up to the nearest hundreds, we increase the hundreds digit by 1 and set all the digits to the right of the hundreds digit to 0.

So by rounding up 660 to the nearest hundreds, we get 700.

Now, to find the greatest odd number, we need to subtract 1 from 700. So the greatest odd number that would be produced when 660 is rounded off to the nearest hundreds is 699.