Choose the option that corrects the error in the underlined portion. If no error exists, choose "No change is necessary."

Ted told James that they had been given too much work by their boss and the deadline was tomorrow, which seemed unfair.
Underlined ---is tomorrow, which seemed

A. tomorrow; which seemed unfair
B. tomorrow, although it
C. tomorrow. This demand seemed
D. No change is necessary.


I agree.

The correct option that corrects the error in the underlined portion is C. tomorrow. This demand seemed.

To identify whether any error exists in the underlined portion, let's analyze the options provided:

A. tomorrow; which seemed unfair: This option introduces a semicolon before "which," which is incorrect usage. Semicolons are used to connect two independent clauses. In this case, "tomorrow" is not an independent clause.

B. tomorrow, although it: This option introduces the word "although," which changes the meaning of the sentence. The original sentence does not imply any opposition or contradiction between the deadline being tomorrow and the situation seeming unfair.

C. tomorrow. This demand seemed: This option correctly replaces "which" with a period and starts a new sentence with "This demand seemed." It provides a clear and grammatically correct way of stating that the demand appeared unfair.

D. No change is necessary.: Although this option states that no change is necessary, upon closer examination, it is clear that a change is required to rectify the incorrect usage of "which." Therefore, option D is incorrect.

Based on the analysis, the correct option to replace the underlined portion is C, as it corrects the error and provides the most appropriate and coherent sentence.