DVDs are on sale for 12.50 for a set of two. You have $35. You can split a set and buy just one disc for the same price per disc as the set. how many disc can you buy?

35 / (12.5/2) < x

thank u ms.sue

You're welcome, Eduarda.

If the answer is 5.6 then she has to buy how many discs?

So how many can you buy.

To determine how many discs you can buy, you need to divide the amount of money you have by the price for one disc.

The price for a set of two discs is $12.50. So the price for one disc would be half of that, which is $6.25.

Now, divide the amount of money you have, which is $35, by the price for one disc, which is $6.25:

35 / 6.25 = 5.6

Since you can't buy a fraction of a disc, you can only buy whole discs. Therefore, you can buy a maximum of 5 discs with $35.