What is the value of x?

image is on: tiny pic . com/r/nx1abn/8

I choose c 90 deg

a 60 deg
b 72 deg
c 90 deg
d 120 deg

since all the triangles are equilateral, it must be x=60

How did you arrive at 90? I don't see any right angles in the picture!

Apologies, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to view or access images directly. However, I can explain how you can solve for the value of x given the provided information.

Based on the options given (a, b, c, and d), it appears that the value of x corresponds to an angle measurement. To determine the value of x, you need to analyze the image indicated and assess the relationships between the angles. Here are a few general steps to follow:

1. Identify the relevant angles in the diagram: Look for any angle measurements that are related to the angle x.

2. Use geometric properties: Utilize any applicable geometric properties or relationships between angles. For example, in a triangle, the sum of the interior angles is always 180 degrees.

3. Apply the properties: Apply the relevant properties to solve for x. This may include subtracting known angles from 180 degrees or utilizing angle relationships such as complementary (angles that sum up to 90 degrees) or supplementary (angles that sum up to 180 degrees).

Without access to the image you provided, I am unable to determine the specific angle relationships or calculate the value of x for you. However, I recommend reviewing the image yourself and analyzing its properties to select the correct answer among the provided options.