write a comon noun for each of the proper nouns below?

1.the emperor's seed?
2.hans christian andersen?
4.harry potter?
5.Mc donald's

If those are proper nouns, why is there only one capital letter?

Proper: Chicago
Common: city

Proper: California
Common: state

What will you write for the ones you listed? Someone here will check your work if you post it.

Sure! Here are the common nouns for each proper noun:

1. emperors seed: seed
To find the common noun for "the emperor's seed," you would first identify that "emperor's" is a possessive noun indicating ownership. Once you remove the possessive form, you are left with the common noun "seed."

2. Hans Christian Andersen: author
To find the common noun for "Hans Christian Andersen," you would need to identify the person's profession or what they are known for. Andersen is best known as an author, making "author" the common noun associated with his name.

3. Baguio: city
To find the common noun for "Baguio," you would identify that it refers to a specific place. In this case, Baguio is a city in the Philippines, so "city" is the common noun.

4. Harry Potter: book series
To find the common noun for "Harry Potter," you would need to identify what it represents. In this case, "Harry Potter" refers to a popular book series written by J.K. Rowling, making "book series" the common noun associated with it.

5. McDonald's: restaurant
To find the common noun for "McDonald's," you would identify that it refers to a specific type of business. In this case, McDonald's is a multinational fast-food chain, so the common noun would be "restaurant."